Excerpt from the December, 1998 Blade Magazine
"Knife Makers Showcase"
(Article is reprinted with permission of Blade Magazine, Krause Publications)

Arthur Washburn

"Devin Thomas deserves the credit for getting me started in knife-making," Arthur relates. "He set up a small forge at the local fair last year and, once I forged that knife I was hooked. I consider myself fortunate because Devin hired me to work in his operation and assist him in the forging of his damascus. This has allowed me to use more damascus than most knife-makers have access to." Washburn prefers the stock removal method, using Thomas' damascus, stainless damascus, 1084 and 1095 blade steels. The blade, spring and handle scales of his #2 slip-joint folder (below) are Thomas' 1095 and nickle damascus. The blade rotates on a brass bushing. His list price: $225. Arthur's address: Dept. BL, POB 625, Pioche, NV 89043 (775) 962-5463.


Excerpt from the November, 2018 Blade Magazine
"Cool Custom "
(Article is reprinted with permission of Blade Magazine, Krause Publications)

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